Stories of Weird Mystery

Category: Appearances (Page 1 of 2)

I’m Big with the Presbyterians

I’m pleased to announce that there is one final stop on the book tour for A Scout is Brave:

7pm on Wednesday, February 5th
Presbyterian College in Clinton, South Carolina

And yes, I’ll take questions at this time.

Cover for the book A Scout is Brave by Will Ludwigsen

Are the faculty and students at Presbyterian College aware of what you write?

They are, and they’ve even invited me back after I visited once before a few years ago! It’s a gorgeous campus full of smart, friendly people, and the audience questions were some of the best I’ve ever gotten.

I’m greatly looking forward to it!

What will take place at 7pm on Wednesday, February 5th?

A reading and Q&A with students and anyone else who shows up. It’s part of their Meet an Author Before They Die Forgotten and Alone in a Gutter series.

Is this really the end of the book tour for A Scout is Brave?

I mean, until the next book or story comes out, I guess the book tour is technically ongoing wherever I am. This is the final planned event, at least.

Necronomicon Tampa: 9/27 – 29!

The tour for A Scout is Brave continues with my yearly appearance at my “home” convention, Necronomicon in Tampa.

Join us at the Embassy Suites USF for great programming and gaming, plus these Will-adjacent panels:

  • Friday, 9pm: The Short Fiction Scene Today
  • Saturday, 12pm: Internet Disinformation
  • Saturday, 1pm: It Takes a Village (help with writing)
  • Saturday, 2pm: Our Fascination with the Other
  • Saturday, 8pm: Lovecraftian Influences

That’s a busy schedule for sure, plus I’ll be manning my author’s alley table with books for sale:

  • Friday, 3:30pm – 5pm
  • Saturday: 9am – 11:45am

I hope to see you there!

New Tour Stops for A Scout is Brave

Hey, have you heard I have a book out this year?

If you’re local to Jacksonville and missed the book launch for A Scout is Brave, your second chance is here!

I’ll be reading from the book and answering your pointed questions at the Not Your Skoolastic Book Fair at Happy Medium Books Café on Saturday, October 19th from 1pm to 4pm. They’re a neat new bookstore on Park Street in my historic neighborhood, offering a well-curated selection of great fiction and non-fiction, plus a café.

Also, I’ll be among the (un)usual suspects at Necronomicon in Tampa from September 27 through the 29th where I’ll not only hold forth on panels but also be signing (and selling!) copies at an Authors’ Alley table.

A Scout is Going to Providence

Poster advertising NecronomiCon in Providence.

Hark! My book tour for A Scout is Brave continues to its next stop, this time to the NecronomiCon conference in Providence, RI from Thursday, August 15 to Sunday, August 18.

I’ll be speaking or reading at two events:

  • Making it Strange: Literary Techniques for Writers, Saturday at 11am.
  • Reading, Sunday at 9:30am.

The rest of the time you can likely find me in the book room signing copies of my book at the Lethe Press table (where I may have some goodies to hand out) or wandering around Lovecraft’s old neighborhoods in Providence.

This is only the first Necronomicon I’m attending this year. The second is in Tampa from September 27 – 29.

Readercon Approaches on Little Cat Feet

My A Scout is Brave book tour continues, this time with a visit to Boston and Readercon at the Marriott Boston Quincy!

Here’s where you can find me:

  • Friday, July 12, 7pm: A Weird Reading Tonight (a group reading with other Lethe Press authors)
  • Saturday, July 13, 11am: Getting Your Other Foot in the Door (parlaying an early success into a longer one)
  • Saturday, July 13, 2pm: The Tyranny of the Tale (alternate forms of storytelling other than your “Save the Cat” bullshit)
  • Saturday, July 13, 7pm: Will Ludwigsen Reading
  • Lurking at the Lethe Press table in the Dealer’s Room at other random intervals

I hope to see you there, and also at other book tour stops in your neighborhood (assuming you live in New England or Florida):

  • NecronomiCon Providence, August 15-18, Providence RI
  • Necronomicon Tampa, September 27-29, Tampa FL
  • Mysterious surprise book tour stop TBA, October, Jacksonville FL

A Scout is Brave Bursts Forth from Beneath the Waves!

Today is the official launch date for my book A Scout is Brave, though some lucky souls pre-ordered it or bought copies at our fabulous book launch on Saturday.

People at the book launch for A Scout is Brave.
It’s like the scene at the end of Titanic when people welcome Rose back to the ship!
People attending the book launch for A Scout is Brave
It’s my favorite thing in the world when people from all corners of my life come together in one place: family, friends, coworkers, former students, and bitter creditors!
Will Ludwigsen reading from his book A Scout is Brave
Here I await thunderous applause while my publisher Steve Berman signals the audience.

Of course, it’s never too late to join the troop!

And don’t forget that talented musical artist Kathexis93 has released a Lovecraftian prequel album, available on Bandcamp.

A Scout is Brave Book Launch Jamboree!

Our modest book tour for my new novella from Lethe Press, A Scout is Brave, is coming together, and we’ve now got a launch event!

Image advertising the book launch for A Scout is Brave by Will Ludwigsen.

As you may remember from Steinbeck’s book launch for Of Mice and Men and Poe’s for The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, these events bring together friends, family, fans, and sometimes even members of the public lost on their way somewhere else, all to celebrate the release of a book.

At this one, we’re going to have:

  • A conversation/interview between me and Lethe Press CEO Steve Berman
  • A mercifully brief reading from the book’s contents by the author
  • A signing by the author, mostly of bankruptcy documents
  • Copies of the book
  • Food and drink
  • Other surprises

It’s open to anyone who would like to join us!

If you can’t make it, there are a few other opportunities to see me during the book tour:

I hope we cross paths sometime this year!

A Scout is Going on a Book Tour, Sort Of

I wish you’d all stop asking me for more content to promote my forthcoming book, A Scout is Brave. I’m working as fast as I can.

In the meantime, book tour news!

This coming week from March 14th through the 16th, I’ll be kicking off my A Scout is Brave Half-Assed Book Tour at the International Conference for the Fantastic in the Arts in Orlando.

Will Ludwigsen holding up a bookmark of his book A Scout is Brave.

You can catch me reading from A Scout is Brave at a 4:15 panel on Thursday, serving as the undercard well beneath actual luminaries James Morrow, Ellen Kushner, and Eileen Gunn.

I will also have fancy bookmarks to give away plus TWO advance reading copies of the actual physical book (with the hope that whoever gets each will kindly post a review).

Other stops on the ASBHABT include:

I’m not sure yet if I’ll be on programming for any of those events, but you can certainly find me at the Lethe Press table in the Dealer’s Room for the first two.

Stay tuned for an announcement soon with details about the actual launch of the book in late June!

Would you like me to tour my book for your blog, podcast, or event? Let me know!

Join Me at Necronomicon in Tampa, 9/22 – 24

It’s hard to believe that my home convention (as opposed to the convention I host in my home) of Necronomicon in Tampa is celebrating its 42nd event.

I started attending in 1987, skipped a few years in college, and then returned for good in 1996. I’ve always had a great time participating in panels, playing games, and catching up with old friends.

Like these mooks.

Though my schedule isn’t entirely confirmed, it looks like I’ll be doing at least two panels on Saturday morning:

  • Remaining Sane While Working with Publishing Professionals (9am)
  • Meanwhile: Day Jobs and Financial Wisdom for Creatives (10am)

You can find us from September 22nd through the 24th at the Embassy Suites near the University of South Florida.

Plus…the convention supports the Kids and Canines charity, so you’re likely to see at least one dog!

Like this good boy, Patriot.

How can you pass that up?

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