Our modest book tour for my new novella from Lethe Press, A Scout is Brave, is coming together, and we’ve now got a launch event!

As you may remember from Steinbeck’s book launch for Of Mice and Men and Poe’s for The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, these events bring together friends, family, fans, and sometimes even members of the public lost on their way somewhere else, all to celebrate the release of a book.
At this one, we’re going to have:
- A conversation/interview between me and Lethe Press CEO Steve Berman
- A mercifully brief reading from the book’s contents by the author
- A signing by the author, mostly of bankruptcy documents
- Copies of the book
- Food and drink
- Other surprises
It’s open to anyone who would like to join us!
If you can’t make it, there are a few other opportunities to see me during the book tour:
- Readercon in Boston, Massachusetts on July 12-14.
- NecronomiCon in Providence, Rhode Island on August 15-18.
- Necronomicon in Tampa, Florida on September 27-29.
I hope we cross paths sometime this year!